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Great! Enter the email address you provided + 'stirystory' for
the password.
OK, you're in your
shiny new account.
Log On
Step 1: Start by spending a few minutes test-driving
the site and exploring anything that interests you.
(Be sure to come back here for steps 2-8)
2. Scroll to the bottom of the page
and select a channel.
Channels offer an easy way to browse.
3. What type of content are you in the mood for?
Different media types and lengths to suit your schedule
and preference.
4. Let's give the search feature a try. Scroll to the top of the page, and click on the magnifying glass icon in the right corner.
Try searching 'grief' for grief-related content.
We've tagged each content piece carefully so you can find exactly what you're looking for.
5. Now, select a full-length
Stiry Original to watch.
We can hardly wait.
6. Let's practice downloading that video.
Having downloaded content allows you to easily upload to the web, cast to waiting room monitors, and share with others.
7. Almost done! Go back to the search bar, check
a couple of boxes, and hit 'search'.
This feature allows you to filter content based on your specific platform and usage needs
8. Last step! Save something to your watchlist.
That's a wrap! We can't wait to see how you use Stiry+.
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